اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker 613623

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شكرا اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker 829894
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اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker 613623

عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
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شكرا اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker 829894
ادارة المنتدي اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker 103798
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 اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker

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اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker Stars5
روح الأنوثه عبير

عدد الرسائل : 731
العمر : 35
الموقع : Homes pain
العمل/الترفيه : student
المزاج : Mixed depending on the mood
  : اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker FP_05
نقاط : 2
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/09/2008

اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker   اخبار Prison Break premiere shocker Emptyالسبت أكتوبر 18, 2008 12:33 pm

Prison Break's season opener features bad times for (at least) one character; new characters exposed.

***Detail-free spoiler inside (in other words, something happens, but we don't know to who)--you have been warned!!!***

It's that time of the year for returning shows--hype for new seasons must be backed up as vets try to keep all eyes on themselves rather than shiny new programs hitting the airwaves. And nothing says, "We're back!" like an explosive season premiere.

They're on the run...except when there is a great photo op.
Based on feedback from this year's Comic-Con, Heroes already showed that it's returning guns-a-blazin' (read a full-episode recap here), forcing other fall hits to reveal their hands a little early and catch some buzz.

While Heroes' action-packed, game-changing third-season premiere (airing on NBC September 22) certainly deserves serious attention, nothing gets people chatting like killing off a main character. Apparently, that's just what's in store for fans of Prison Break when the drama's fourth season is unleashed on Fox September 1.

Preview screeners of the first episode have been mailed out to some lucky journalists, and TheTVAddict.com (sort of) spilled one of its big secrets. According to the site, one (or possibly two) "of your favorite characters" will get killed in the two-hour premiere. The "possibly two" disclaimer likely indicates a cliffhanger "did he/she die?" ending, but at least one death is certainly in the cards.

Thankfully, TVAddict does not give the name of the character or any specific details on who it is. Enter E! Online to provide some details! The site says that both suspects are "hot bodies" (her words, not mine). Ladies, isn't that everyone on the show?

E! also provides a look at two new characters to be featured in the upcoming season. The Company man after Michael and Lincoln this year is named Wyatt (Cress Williams, ER, Grey's Anatomy), who discovers that his targets aren't where people think they are. Also joining the crew is computer hacker Roland, played by James Hiroyuki Liao (CSI), who serves as the tech-savvy--but, like any IT guy, difficult to work with--member for the good guys.

And if that weren't enough Prison Break news for one day, there is also a video game based on the show in the works. In the season three DVD box set (out now), an insert promotes Prison Break The Game from publisher Brash. The solo screenshot indicates that gamers will play as Michael Scofield in Splinter Cell-type stealth action. Look for the game in stores in February on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

OK, Prison Break fans... let's hear your theories! Who is getting 86'd from the show?
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